Event Details
November Monthly Meeting - Current Issues in Employment Law with Case Studies
Date: | November 16, 2011, 8:00am – 9:15am |
Location: | Daytona Beach International Airport |
Price: | FREE |
Event Type: | Monthly Program Meeting |
iCal link | Add to Calendar |
Speaker Information: Greg Snell with Snell Legal
Areas of Practice: Litigation, Employment/HR Law, Business Ownership/Management Disputes, Deceptive and Unfair Competition/Non-Competes, Health Law/Physician Representation, Contracts/Agreements, Mediation/Arbitration, Trademark/Copyright, Attorney/Law Practice Representation, Administrative Law/DBPR, Corporate Law, Construction Law, Condominium/Home Owner Association Law, Purchase/Sale/Merger, Start Up Services, Business Formation and Planning Entertainment Law, Insurance Law
Program Overview:
On August 1 the state of Florida began enforcing new unemployment compensation procedures under a highly touted unemployment compensation reform law that passed at the end of June. According to the sponsor of the bill, Senator Nancy Detert, it is meant to "provide relief to employers by weeding out individuals taking undue advantage of the system and provide relief to the unemployed by offering additional assistance to help them get back to work." Supposedly employers are going to see their unemployment taxes go down.